Welcome to room 5

in 2025

Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia Ora e te Whānau,

My name is Miss Wang, and I am thrilled to be joining Room 5 as your new teacher this year. I am excited to welcome all tamariki and their Te Matauranga whānau into our classroom as we embark on an enriching 2025 learning journey.

"Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi."
With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive.

We are fortunate to have such amazing tamariki in Room 5, and we look forward to building a space where everyone belongs, learns, and grows together.

In Year 3 Term 1 Math, the focus is on:

Number: Read, write, compare, and order numbers up to 1000, recall basic addition and subtraction facts, and use estimation to check reasonableness.

Time: Understand time durations and tell time to the hour and half-hour.

Algebra: Add and subtract up to 100 (with renaming), solve open sentences, and round to the nearest 10 or 100.

Geometry: Identify, classify, and work with 2D and 3D shapes, including composing and decomposing them.

Term 1

In Year 3 Term 1 Literacy, the focus is on:

Reading: • Decode words with vowel digraphs and syllables.

• Use text clues to infer meaning and summarize.

Writing: • Write sentences with correct spelling, grammar, and descriptive words.

• Plan and organize writing for clear purpose.

Communication: • Present ideas confidently and respond to others.

• Use precise vocabulary and grammar effectively.

In Year 3 Term 1 Learning Pathways, the focus on:

“My Place, Our Place”

• Exploring New Zealand histories.

• Students engage with Te Matauranga values to understand their community, identity, and shared cultural heritage.