Room 19 - Term 1 2025 Program Overview

Welcome to Term 1 in Room 19! We are excited for a term packed with engaging learning experiences across Mathematics,English Literacy and Pathway Learning. Here’s an outline of what we’ll be exploring:

Mathematics-Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Our Exciting Term Plan!

Weeks 1-4: Master the Power of Numbers

🌟 Skills Your Child Will Gain:

  • Identify, read, write, compare, and order whole numbers up to 1,000,000.

  • Add and subtract confidently using a variety of strategies.

  • Round whole numbers to any power of 10 with ease.

  • Use number sense to estimate, predict results, and solve real-world problems.

  • Learn the basics of financial literacy by solving purchase-related problems and creating simple budgets.

  • Solve true or false and open number sentences using maths symbols like equals (=), unequal (≠), larger (>), and smaller (<).

Week 5: Cracking the Code of Time

Time-Focused Learning:

  • Estimate and accurately measure durations using time-based units.

  • Convert between hours, minutes, and seconds with confidence.

  • Solve practical time problems using both 12- and 24-hour formats.

Weeks 6-9: Multiplication, Division, and Real-World Applications

📊 Hands-On Math Challenges:

  • Explore square numbers and discover factors of numbers up to 125.

  • Recall and apply multiplication and division facts with speed and accuracy.

  • Multiply multi-digit numbers and divide four-digit numbers by one-digit divisors (including remainders).

  • Estimate and calculate areas of rectangles, triangles, and volumes of rectangular prisms using multiplication.

  • Use multiplication and division facts to scale quantities like a pro.

  • Form and solve true/false and open number sentences using math symbols.

Weeks 10-11: Dive Into Geometry

🔺 Shape Up Your Skills:

  • Identify, classify, and explore 2D shapes, including triangles, and 3D shapes like prisms and pyramids.

  • Discover the secrets of angles in triangles and quadrilaterals.

  • Visualize and draw nets for rectangular prisms.

  • Create and describe stunning geometric patterns and tessellations using rotation, reflection, and translation.

  • Measure and draw angles up to 360° with precision.

    English Literacy Learning Overview – Term 1, 2025

    This term, our English literacy program will focus on developing communication skills, exploring the unique stories of Aotearoa, and fostering creativity and critical thinking through storytelling.

    Learning Focus Areas

    1. Understanding Communication Through Shared Codes and Conventions
    Students will explore how shared codes (e.g., symbols, language, and cultural norms) and conventions (e.g., text structures and formats) help us make sense of what we read, hear, and see. They’ll also learn how these codes evolve and adapt to different contexts over time.

    2. Celebrating the Stories of Aotearoa
    Through New Zealand and Pacific literatures, students will discover the richness of our cultural heritage. By engaging with local stories, they will deepen their understanding of who we are as a community and what it means to live in Aotearoa New Zealand.

    What Students Will Achieve by the End of Term

    • Understand how communication relies on shared codes and conventions.

    • Know the unique and special qualities of New Zealand and Pacific stories, and how these reflect cultural identities.

    • Do:

      • Create texts that engage audiences through purposeful language and storytelling.

      • Analyze texts critically, considering the perspectives and representations they convey.

      • Collaborate effectively in storytelling projects, contributing to a supportive and creative classroom environment.

    Through this term's focus on literacy, students will strengthen their skills in comprehension, creativity, and critical thinking, fostering a deeper appreciation for the stories and voices that shape our world.

    Pathway Learning - "Who We Are"

In this pathway of learning, students will explore the rich and complex histories that have shaped Aotearoa New Zealand, with a focus on understanding who we are as a nation and how our past continues to influence our present.

What We Will Explore

Colonisation and settlement have been central to Aotearoa's histories over the past 200 years.

  • Māori history is the foundational and continuous history of Aotearoa New Zealand, forming the backbone of our nation’s story.

  • The concept of tino rangatiratanga (self-determination) alongside kāwanatanga (governance) will help students understand how authority and leadership have been shared, negotiated, and contested.


  • The signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi took place in multiple locations, and the two versions (te reo Māori and English) conveyed different ideas about authority and governance. Most Māori signed the te reo Māori version, which shaped their understanding of the agreement.

  • Governments throughout history have selectively supported or excluded groups based on prevailing attitudes, influencing areas like voting rights, education, health, and welfare. This has led to ongoing efforts for equitable treatment by groups such as Māori, Chinese, women, children, and disabled people.


  • Construct historical sequences of events and changes, identify how long ago they happened, and consider how others might view or interpret these sequences differently.

  • Use a range of historical sources, including mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge systems), to investigate the past, ensuring attention is given to missing voices and perspectives.

  • Identify and analyze the attitudes and values that motivated people in the past, comparing these with contemporary values and attitudes.

Learning Goals for Students

By the end of this pathway, students will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of Aotearoa’s histories, particularly the foundational role of Māori history and perspectives.

  • Develop critical thinking skills by questioning historical narratives and recognizing whose voices are included or excluded.

  • Build a stronger connection to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its significance in shaping relationships, governance, and identity in Aotearoa.

  • Reflect on the evolution of societal attitudes and values, connecting historical motivations to modern-day contexts.

This learning journey is designed to empower students to critically engage with the past while fostering an understanding of our shared identity and the diverse perspectives that shape it.

Kia Ora Room 19 Whanau. It has been an exciting learning journey for our room . We had the pleasure to meet and know about each other . In Room 19 we believe that learning never stops . We always encourage and take care of each other .

We try our best , We do our best , Because we are the best “

In Room 19 , our theme is focused on exploriing, participating and contributing to build a joyful learning environment

Tusiga and Latai are our Learning Resources Monitors

Diamond and Albert are our Environment Monitors

Grace and Nixon are our Activity Monitors

David and Riyansh become the Food Monitors

Nixon and Simi are so happy to be the Superstar of Maths game called Getting 24. 30/01/2025

Nixon became Learner of the week




Annabelle won the award of Learner of the week